Resource Center

Walk Score

What is Walk Score? Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc.

Mortgage Calculators

We offer you a number of useful calculators to help you answer important financing questions.

General Advice

Learn the Do's, Don'ts and How To's on a number of real estate topics. You would have to spend hours accumulating this information yourself.

Buyer's Checklist

Use this checklist for buyers and stay on top of the process.

The Selling Process

There are many different steps in a successful real estate transaction! Use this seller's checklist and stay on top of the process.

Advice For Sellers

Take advantage of these resources to learn all you can about preparing yourself and your home for selling.

Real Estate Terms

View a list of important terms used in the real estate world. This resource is bound to help you understand what everyone is talking about!

Mortgage Terms

The same list as above only for the mortgage industry terms and phrases. They have a jargon all their own.

REALTOR® Code of Ethics

These are the principles that all REALTORS® must live by according to the National Association of REALTORS®.

Personal Safety Hints

A list of items to practice in order that will help keep you safer. Make it harder for someone to put you in danger.

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